Darker, hallucinogenic and more coherent than the original version
17 March 2023
This recreation of Lewis's classic presents a darker and better viewed vision than the original, but it does not have the strangeness that characterizes the original work. This movie has good effects that update the deaths in a better way, it could have offered much more gore and been a good blood festival. Crispin Glover is a rather charismatic and cartoonish Montag. The story is much more coherent than in the original, since here they use the concept of hallucinogenic drugs, which pretty much justifies all the absurdity that is happening and gradually dismantles the protagonist's reality when at first everything is normal, then it becomes surreal. And finally it is revealed that everything was not what it seemed, having almost the same final twist of the original film. This recreation of The Wizard Of Gore is passable, but it barely lives up to the original. My rating for this movie is 8/10.
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