Do not waste your time.
19 March 2023
I've really tried with Kennedy's stuff, and the few times I've seen one of his horror movies I've regretted spending the thirty or so minutes I've wasted watching. I've seen his Dracula knock off on YouTube and that was low budget, and embarrassing. Here it seems he's somehow got a decent budget, but he still has no talent. He shamelessly rips off better cult films and thinks it's homaging, it's not. It merely reminds you there's better made movies out there you could be watching instead. I really wanted to give this one a shot, but it's amateur hour all around with embarrassing performances, including his own, and cheap effects. The rubber masks are painfully obvious. Even viewed as "schlocky", it's not even fun. There's better shlock to enjoy than this. I'm not going to allow myself to be tricked by another of Kennedy's movies again. I rented this on Amazon and wanted to warn others against wasting the time or $2 rental fee. Watch a good Lovecraft movie like FROM BEYOND or DAGON which are both streaming for free instead.
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