Lilli Marlene (1950)
Poor effort.
25 March 2023
Lilli Marlene (1) (1950) -

This film was really badly put together and edited. I would imagine that it was done with a low budget, because it certainly didn't feel like they had spent much money on actors or directors and definitely not editors, whose job was done in a very scissor happy way, almost cutting out of scenes completely, before they were over and the film quality wasn't very good right from the off.

Some of the acting was actually incredibly poor, even from the leading man Hugh McDermott.

I was also not sure that I saw the point in the film overall. Because it was so clumsily put together and was missing the necessary drama, it lost the plot, quite literally.

The romance lacked passion and chemistry with comedy that was lacklustre, while the drama was farcical.

A lot of it was very questionable as well - Why was no one tending to an injured party's wounds? How did the attackers think that they'd get away with their actions? And much more.

As it moved forward it developed in to something a bit better, but it was still terribly delivered. I had to wonder if, and hoped that the 1981 version would be better, but I don't think that I could put myself through it again just yet.

In general, it was a harmless story, but I would have liked to have seen a bit more depth and some real consideration put in to it, rather than throwing it away just to make another film, as it appeared to be. And the torture/brainwashing scenes were tame even for 1950. I couldn't feel that they had really been mistreated.

I only recorded this one because I'd heard the song myself and wondered about its origins. However, after seeing this, I think I probably know even less about it than I did before!

I wouldn't rewatch this one, but might give the 1981 attempt a go if I'm in the right frame of mind when it comes on TV. I certainly wouldn't search it out specificity though.

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