Review of Dragon Day

Dragon Day (2013)
It might sound outlandish but it's not
31 March 2023
The basic plot is that the Chinese use their technological advantages to bring down the US. , This idea might sound fanciful but the fact is the threat is real enough that there was a fake congressional inquiry into it. Back door code HAS been found in Chinese chips. The bigger threat however is Chinese and Pakistani guest workers. Few Defense projects happen without using subcontractors who subcontract work to companies employing Chinese, Russian and Pakistani employees. Indian subcontractors are also a risk. Some of these are intelligence agents for hostile governments and corporate spies, specifically there to steal technology. That and put back doors in our core infrastructure. This is a HUGE national security problem.

A key element of the movie is Americans turning against this country to aid China. The Antifa/BLM protests make it loud and clear how many Americans would do exactly that. Every person you saw burning or stomping on an American flag in those protests and online videos would happily put on the red bracelets shown in the movie. Do it without any coercion at all.

The acting isn't especially good, and the camera work isn't Hollywood quality. The spews on the national debt come off as tin foil conspiracy the way it's presented. Our debt is indeed a real problem, but it's not as cut and dried as presented.

The real take away from the movie should be how many people who live in the US and many even have US citizenship, many born here, who would turn on the US in a heartbeat. Those who cheered on or even tolerated big stars bad mouthing the US overseas are a great example of people who'd line up for Chinese citizenship. Then there are the apolitical who would sign up for anything long as it kept them fed and secure.

There are Hollywood style mistakes. For example no programmer was consulted when it came to the "back door code". You do not write something that complex in pure assembler. Nor would you spend ten minutes fixing it like that. That code would be tens of thousands of lines and if they had the source they wouldn't need him to fix it. Any programmer with source code and a little time can decipher any program. Even if you did not have the source, one could reverse engineer it from the binaries.

There are gaffes. For example in one scene the kid is going potty right next to a pond full of water. Then later in the story everyone is dying of thirst.

Overall the story is very interesting even if it's B grade action, acting and special effects. The warning should ring loudly. By outsourcing our technology and importing workers we are destroying our nation's independence and ability to compete.

Microsoft GAVE China the source code to Windows. Yet China uses Linux on all it's secure government computers. The US does not have the source code to Windows, and uses Windows on some of it's secure computers. That is begging to be hacked, and just one of many signs of how negligent the US government and large corporations are in cyber security. Just to make it interesting, Pakistanis wrote substantial portions of the code used in Windows. Pakistan and China are very cozy allies at this time. Continued use of guest workers by Microsoft makes it yet easier to introduce back doors that even Microsoft is not aware of. Microsoft places back doors in every product and has made China fully aware of them. So even if the chips were not a problem, any system running Windows would be.

The bigger warning is the division in the US is so deep that some have come to believe patriotism itself is evil. Globalism and Socialism would lead many to turn on this nation The alienation of so many voter blocks in the DNC from the nation as exemplified by kneeling at the National anthem and derogatory remarks about the US made by so many entertainers and athletes makes it clear that any invasion of the US would be aided by a very large number of people living here. Something that hasn't escaped the notice of the Russians and Chinese who have quietly funded groups like BLM/Antifa, the Reconquistador movement, and other anti-American groups/movements.

Something not presented in the movie is the high level of infiltration in US high ranking politicians by Chinese and Russian agents. 3 times in the last decade Chinese agents have been caught deep in the confidence of very high ranking Democrats. Twice caught sneaking classified information stolen from those politicians. A number of Republican groups have been linked to Russian and Saudi money. A number of Democrats linked to Iranian money. So you have to question what you hear from politicians or on the news as to whether it's propaganda paid for by the Chinese, Russians or Iranians or real. What's scarier is the odd twist of search terms you have to use to find the articles substantiating these claims. Microsoft, Google and Yahoo all bury information that is embarrassing to China. The articles by reputable sources are still out there. You just have to do some digging to find them. For example articles about the Chinese spy who drove Fienstien around for a decade, all the while collecting information from being around her while she sat on some of the highest level security committees are still out there. You just have to jiggle the search a bit to find them.

I am a certified computer security specialist CISSP among other security certs with over 20 years of experience as a programmer and security analyst. When I say the premise of the movie is not so far fetched I am doing so with some expertise on the matter.
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