Review of The Fox

The Fox (1967)
Head Scratcher
17 April 2023
Saw this movie listed to be shown in my cable lineup. Was going to be on at 4 in the morning, so I set the box to record it.

I grew up in the 60's, so I like to sometimes watch a movie from back then, especially when it deals with a somewhat divergent topic.

Now I am heterosexual, but the lesbian theme of the movie did not bother me. What did bother me though, was mostly the casting of Anne Heywood. I could not get past the fact that she was too physically perfect to make her role believable in my eyes. I don't know about you, but if I was living on an isolated chicken farm in the middle of nowhere, I sure wouldn't be worried about my eyebrows being perfectly groomed, or my hair being styled, or wearing just the right shade of lipstick. Along with my refined touch of a British accent. And Sandy Dennis's character, Jill...I just could not figure out how many jars of Dippity Doo and rollers it would take for her to keep up her hairstyle everyday. Also, her character just seemed too ditzy and insecure to me to be out there in this situation trying to make a living.

Getting back to Anne Heywood's character...she looked like she did covers for Vogue magazine. So I thought to myself- why would someone that looked like her be on a chicken farm in the middle of nowhere? And if Sandy Dennis's character was worried about making a living on the chicken farm and expenses to run the place...well why didn't Anne Heywood's character Ellen jump up and say "Jill darling, don't worry about those pesky bills and money- I'll just jet over to Paris and do another cover for Vogue, that should keep us solvent for a while!" And like another reviewer pointed out...why did she come down to dinner in that one scene in that peach dress and high heels? What sense did that make? Why would you even have something like that with you if you lived in that place? Oh yes, the bedroom arrangement was odd as well. Why did they not have separate bedrooms to start with? Sigh. I really just could not get past these strange random thoughts.

I fast forwarded through most of the movie. Enjoyed the scenery very much. Kier Dullea's character seemed ok.

For me, what would have been an interesting topic and movie was thwarted by the casting and character quirks. Just too odd to me.
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