Timemaster (1995)
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I read the other reviews of this flick first and decided I'd try to watch it with an open mind and at least pretend I was watching something that was put together properly and unjustly misunderstood. Well, that's not the case with Timemaster, and this film is every bit as bad as the other negative Nellie's say it is. First off, with few exceptions, any movie that has an extended monologue at the beginning that attempts to explain what you're watching is a fail--you're supposed to figure that out by yourself by watching the movie, but it's neither here nor there in this flick because so much of what goes on with the characters is unexplained, leaving you completely lost from the very beginning. For example, what's so special about this family in the first place and what time did they actually come from? Not that you'd care after about 15 minutes because the film is a complete mess.

I could go on and on, but there are two things in the film that jumped out at me as being completely hilarious. First, there is the ridiculous concept that people on earth are nothing more than chess pieces in some sort of high-tech video game. Yeah, that's a little far-fetched, so how do they portray the game console? With these goofy chairs that bounce up and down for no reason and a bunch of buttons and knobs that you push and crank without any rhyme or reason, either. Sound dumb? Try watching it. Then, there is the scene where the kid tries to thwart a nuclear war, right after the bad guys enter the code to set it off. How did they get the code? Easy enough, the second you open the briefcase the first thing you see is a computer screen telling you the code, even taking the trouble and screen space to mention it is for starting a nuclear war! Kind of defeats the purpose of having a secret code!

Personally, I have a thing for stinker movies like this, and kind of enjoyed it in a sick way, but be assured this film is a royal piece of garbage. While normally I'd attribute this sort of mess to a producer deciding to splice a couple of half-filmed projects into one movie to make a quick buck, this does not appear to be the case with Timemaster and everything that's wrong with it can be attributed to shear ineptitude and bad screen writing. As far as bad movies go, I put this one on the level of Deadly Drifter or Skullduggery, except those films were attempting to be kind of arty and clever, while this thing is just crap. Watch only if you are into self-abuse.
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