Review of Public Enemy

Public Enemy (2016–2023)
Cults & Serial Killers
24 April 2023
Public Enemy (French: Ennemi Public) is a Belgian French-language crime thriller based loosely on the Marc Dutroux case. A child killer, Béranger (Angelo Bison) is released after 30 years into the care of a Abbey in the Ardennes near Vielsart,. The monks are divided as to whether or not he should be accepted into the order. When children in the area are killed, naturally suspicion falls on. Overseeing the case is Brussels detective Chloe Muller (Stéphanie C), she has her own demons, her sister disappeared more than 20 years ago. The inhabitants of Vielsart, provide their own dramas, with families divided. Indeed families are crucial to this narrative, families of monks, of police officers of cult members. Chloe's missing sister provides a story arc over the three seasons of this series, as does a strange religious cult. .The Abbey and Beranger are also central to the tale. A dark series with disturbing themes, violence and murders. Great performances from Bison. Vielsart, and an ensemble cast. The gloomy Ardennes forests could also be regarded as stars. Created by Antoine Bours, Gilles de Voghel, Matthieu Frances and Christopher Yates. On Netflix. 9/10.
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