Above average western
26 April 2023
Wild Bill Hickok (Bill Elliott) and Cannonball (Dub Taylor) help two young people in love (Mary Daily and Stanley Brown) and bring the murderer (Kenneth MacDonald) of Cannonball's father to justice.

A novel plotline and solid supporting performances elevate this B-grade western directed by Lambert Hilyar above the average shoot 'em up, though there is not much shoot 'em up. There's some engaging drama in the first half and in the latter half it switches to a court room drama, which is a highlight. Eddie Waller is hilarious as the judge. The way he berates the prosecutor. Dub Taylor as a rifle packing Cannonball is hilarious too ( especially when he tries to climb out of the Stagecoach with his rifle getting stuck in the door way). The villains are quite grimy and menacing. You really feel for Marsha, who is in danger if she marries main bad guy Jessup. Jessup tries to blackmail Marsha (Mary Daily) into marrying him so she can't testify as a witness against him. Her family - greedy ones - support his plan.
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