Trivial film destined to be remembered only as an answer to a trivia question
15 May 2023
If you asked a movie buff what's the first time those two legends of French cinema Alain Delon and Jean Paul Belmondo appeared together on the screen, 9 people out of 10 would probably answer "Borsalino", in 1970. Wrong! Their first teaming, albeit in supporting roles, was in "Be Beautiful And Shut Up!", all the way back in 1958; Belmondo's character is even, rather prophetically, called Pierrot! (but not Le Fou). That's really the one of the only two points of interest of this movie; the other is as a showcase for young sexpot Mylene Demongeot, who, like her contemporaries Brigitte Bardot and Francoise Arnoul, was allowed to tease the viewers with almost complete nudity, under the more permissive French cinema rules. Other than that, the story of this movie is hard to follow and even harder to care about following; the fact that there were at least five different writers probably accounts for the confusion. *1/2 out of 4.
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