Review of Neighbours

Neighbours (1952)
To those of us bred and raised in Texas . . .
16 May 2023
. . . so-called "Canadians" are akin to legendary or mythical creatures, not unlike Bigfoot, Sasquatch or the Abominable Snowman, aka Yeti. It's safe to say that for every ONE Canadian--perhaps a visiting Blue Jay or Maple Leaf--a Dallas or Houston resident has seen, he or she has glimpsed 10,000 Mexicans. Now, when it comes to plugs for our tourist industry, our Single Star State governor is very careful to follow the Truth-in-Advertising Rule Book. That's why ALL of our "Come Hither" spots remind visitors to pack as least a couple AR 15's or AK 47's so that they can Stand Their Ground when necessary. Strangely, this film from the Canadian Tourist Agency depicts their Far North Icebox as a backwater stuck in a Stone Age rut of vicious hand-to-hand combat, where no one is packing heat. Therefore, they deserve a relatively high mark for warning normal people such as Americans to STAY AWAY from the Frigid Fiends of French-English Cat-Dog Canada, and contribute some of the travel dollars saved to support BANGS: Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps.
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