Striking opening sequence, and some good ideas, but goes downhill
27 May 2023
The opening sequence tells the tale of WW3 in a very striking manner: the kid on the plane watching missile contrails, the man in the park looking worried at something in the horizon.

That struck me so well, I've remembered it for years, but unfortunately couldn't remember what it was fun.

This is not a terrible terminator movie, and not the worst of the lot. But it's not great and has several weaknesses.

But the positives first: * The Sarah/Pops dynamic is inspired * Matt Smith cameo * Skynet as a virus (from T3) is well developed and updates the story in an insidious way: it's a social platform that's not only accepted, it's eagerly anticipated.

Negatives: * A glaring problem is the portrayal of Kyle Reese. I don't know if it's the writing, directing or acting, but this Reese doesn't feel like he grew up in the gutters after WW3 without any semblance of a childhood, and from a future of bitter survival. His and Sarah's bickering feel like a rom-com with a mild sci-fi twist.

* John casting: I'm not a huge fan for the physicality, I suppose that's from the earlier portrayals.

* Exposition: way off the charts in the opening act.

* Right off the chart bridge sequence: that whole thing feels like Final Destination. Terminator has spectacular scenes, but they're tightly focused on 2 or 3 characters, not a literal bus full.

* Overly complicated plot, which is basically the studio endlessly trying to milk a one story cow.
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