This film may be his best yet!
5 June 2023
Using words to try and convey the experience that is a Neil Breen movie is quite like trying to explain the intricacies of Pablo Picasso's works to a toddler. Yet, I am going to try my best to do that here and now.

Neil Breen films do not follow the traditional structure or rules of cinematography that most other films follow, in fact, and such established ideas of what a film "should be" are simply disregarded in favor of whatever techniques he believes will best portray the stories in his mind. His use of greenscreen is overwhelming, the pace is best described as cinematic whiplash, the acting is like watching bloodthirsty and sadistic predators trying to mimic human emotions to pretend they are prey. His films are structured more like human dreams, lucid and surreal, spinning off in wild and unexpected directions in a rhythmless fashion. It's like trying to experience past, present and future simultaneously.

This is beyond us mere mortals. We are not supposed to look upon the face of God lest we go insane.
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