Farll's moles.
12 June 2023
Director John M. Stahl is a pre-Sirkian figure who has invariably imbued even the most mundane and improbable material with intelligence, sensitivity and a vivid visual sense.

One of his most enjoyable films is this adaptation of Arnold Bennett's novel 'Buried Alive' which the author himself had turned into a successful play and who better to write the screenplay for this third Hollywood version than the prolific Nunnally Johnson, equally at home in comedy and drama.

Full of gentle, low-key humour the film's great success lies in the seemingly improbable but as it turns out inspired pairing of Monty Woolley and Gracie Fields whose simpatico is palpable whilst the all-pervading eccentricity is enhanced by the casting of Una o'Connor, Alan Mowbray, Eric Blore and George Zucco. The imposing Laird Cregar, tragically lost at just twenty-eight, had previously proven himself a match for Woolley in the stage production of 'The Man who came to Dinner' and does so again here.

Mr. Woolley and Miss Fields were to appear together again in 'Molly and Me', directed by Lewis Seiler but the material is not as engaging and Seiler is no Stahl.

Arnold Bennett, one of England's finest writers, is now alas rather neglected but he has at least acquired the distinction of having an omelette named after him.
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