Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021 Video Game)
"Ever Miss Those Long Elevator Rides?"
15 June 2023
Sound the bell, roll out the carpet, open the gates, for the king has returned with remastered graphics and high fps. This is the definitive way to play 3 of the most important games ever made. On par with Half-Life and Halo Combat Evolved. Mass Effect 1 gave us a fully functional diologue tree and strategic gameplay as well as and i say most importntly, character development. ME2 too everything a step further and added more romance options and an upgraded combat system that lets you truthfully say to yourself, "I have SUPERPOWERS." Ever wonder where Until Dawn got some of their ideas like character development and choices that will affect the future of the story and the characters alike? Mass Effect did it first. I havent even mentioned the compelling narrative. The story is amazing and will have you hooked in in minutes. These games require you to watch your back and what you do at each turn, often locking you into situations that you have to think your way out of. In conclusion, the Mass Effect series changed gaming and this is the definitive way to experience the original trilogy. If your skipping out on this glorious package, you are missing out on a truly life changing experince.
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