Why give Spock a Lute instead of a Stratocaster ?
1 July 2023
Yep, that's the biggest complaint I have about this first episode of season two.

The lute is always calm, for what an electric guitar is also good, but with the guitar you can express a much wider bandwidth of feelings, especially with an overdrive ;). The lute is ancient for us, but the guitar is ancient for the 23rd century.

I must admit, I didn't recall much of the episode after two weeks, in my opinion, on first sight it is a bit mundane. Outstanding is only Carol Kane as millennia old Pelia, stealing every scene she is in. A great character, which I hope will once have her own episode.

On second thought, there is a certain charm in Spock acting like Kirk or Pike, which means not leaving behind a member of the crew and stealing Starfleet property. Making the hard decisions, sacrificing beloved ones for the greater good. And yes, recklessly risking your career, the ship, and all crew for that greater good. Very Kirk-ish. I wonder, if historically Kirk learned that behaviour from Spock, and that is why Spock later in TOS was teased by McCoy for wanting to sit in the command chair. He may have known that he would have been a good captain, better than Kirk. Leonard Nimoy definitively was a better director...but I disgress.

We had a very similar situation recently in the "Picard" series, season 3. That felt a bit boring.

The world building and scenery setup were not very convincing to me.

Also I found it strange to watch the medical staff fighting for minutes like Jackie Chan. Yes, the doctor is very interesting here, and he had a certain background to do that...but it felt very constructed. Nurse Chapel is great and I like her very much, but - well, she's a nurse. She should not want to inflict pain to people, even bad ones, except while changing their catheter. Or to participate in secret undercover operations.

But I give 7 stars, it was indeed a nice episode.
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