A timeless classic - best action adventure ever made
2 July 2023
A warning to those who really enjoy John Wick/Marvel/the Fast-movies, or almost any other modern action blockbuster: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' is made back when they relied on practical effects and stunts. And where story mattered. Like other action movie classics (Die Hard, Terminator 2 etc) the action supports the story, not vice versa. So this 1981 movie doesn't have wall-to-wall action. It's not mostly shot in front of a green screen, the characters do not defy gravity and there is no multiverse to be had here. Just real people doing real things in real locations.

If this sounds boring to you, please move on. But if you choose to spend two hours of your time following Indiana Jones on a quest against the nazis involving traps, tombs and various chases, you have chosen wisely.
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