Power of Being a Boy Scout
2 July 2023
Good guys DO sometimes win... We would like to believe this is true all the time. In the story presented so ably by Spielberg and the Cohen Brothers, and as acted in the Lead by Tom Hanks in this film, we can feel good that Right has might, and good guys can and DO win.

2015 was an amazing year in American cinema - three of the finest films since 2000, 'A Bridge Of Spies', 'Spotlight', and 'Sicario' were released in the same year. Spotlight deserved its position as Best Film of the Year. But Bridge of Spies presented close competition - In terms of the "feel good" aspect, if there were an award for such, Bridge wins. The brilliant, gritty, and moody Sicario might be the best-ever film depicting the War on Drugs on and over our Southern border.

With parameters of Academy Awards now "conditional" upon social justice messaging in 2023, a year like 2015 may be one of the last in the foreseeable future, where films shall be judged solely upon its art excellence by the Academy, something I didn't think ever necessary, as the freedom of speech and free choice has always been innately present in film art - does it really need oversight? Kind of defeats the ideals inherent in art imo.

Regardless, Bridge is fabulous, one of Spielberg's best films, Hanks knocking it over the Berlin Wall and spellbinding acting by Mark Rylance who deserved his Supporting Actor statuette.

HIGHLY recommended viewing!

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