Way too many assumptions - little science here.
22 July 2023
I got 20 minutes in and was already questioning so much stuff. Most of what they're stating as fact is just wild assumptions and guesses rather than any meaningful assessment of the evidence. There's no attempt at considering other potential options at why there may be bodies in there. They spend the first 5 minutes just getting halfway into the cave, crawling on their bellies, using ropes, ladders etc and struggling through and we're supposed to believe that literal cave men with no tools or lights did the same 250,000 years ago? Give me a break! And then burials? C'mon. What about all the other options like bodies washed into holes?

Look it's an interesting topic and the cave and bones are certainly interesting but if you're looking for a show which goes through the science, utilises critical analysis and doesn't glamourise everything; we'll this isn't your show.
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