Badly edited
22 July 2023
Camera work: 6 Editing: 2 Budget: 4 Story: 4 Theme: 4 Pure entertainment factor: 5 Video quality: 8 Pacing: 3

Because mainstream media is starting to pick up various UFO and aliens stories these sort of docs are getting popular. These docs are always based on people who have "seen" mysterious things. This is why they are called UFOs as in: unidentified flying objects. In reality an air balloon or plane can be an UFO if it is seen and not understood in the moment. Similarly UFO enthusiasts will keep calling these objects UFOs forever even if it is proved later on it was a fighter jet or weather balloon. Even just flashes or short visions are UFOs as the person seeing the object in his head or in reality cannot explain it right then and there. Furthermore, modern secret military flying objects are also UFOs to all observers as they are "unexplained". And these objects are also kept hidden from the public and covered up when uncovered. So who knows what UFOs even are? With a few loose terms you can make any kind of argument.

The doc frantically goes over the UFO sightings in the 20th century mostly in USA. There are some sightings at a military base in Ukraine and various sightings at a similar nuclear base in USA. Then single people and small groups claim they saw something. We have very low quality videos and photos of many of the more boring events with just a singular object flying 10 kilometers away. While the stuff without any photographic evidence can be kids or adults who saw actual aliens on the ground or UFOs hovering right above them. Personally when it pertains to UFOs when it's verbal or on video I dismiss it outright. Unless you have physical evidence it could just as well be video manipulation, a lie, or an illusion. But if you want physical evidence of Bigfoot or UFOs you will just have to ignore these subjects as you will never see any. So I guess this doc is as much evidence as you will ever see on UFOs.

The main issue is that it tries to be a proper overview of modern UFO sightings. Yet it kinda jumps from place to place often with jarring fast cuts and at some points even jumps back in time. They did find a lot of info yet the presentation is off. I would also have liked them to be a tiny bit more critical as it would reveal more details. Even if you assume it's a cover up. Clinton ordered a full overview of Roswell where the government admitted a coverup. The event was initially presented as an UFO in the media by the state sector then right away they started claiming it was just a weather balloon while taking away the debris and replacing it with a weather balloon. It was a giant and expensive report that could have been explored alongside other government reports. The doc loosely presents them, but we get no info or details from them.

Overall as an overview it's a bit weak as it's super rushed. It also starts in the space age where all big nations had jets and ergo the technology to put extremely fast flashy flying objects in the sky that very often would be mistaken for other objects. Hence why passenger planes were being shot at during the Cold War as they were often mistaken for fighter jets or missiles even though they have next to nothing in common as they are way slower and bigger. They should practically never be mistaken for fighter jets. Yet exactly this happened multiple times showing how experts who control radars or fly planes can be extremely mistaken and even misconstrue obvious sightings.

Overall I think this doc will make you stop believing in any UFO sightings as if this is it it's basically nothing. They also don't mention a single alien abduction. Which to me seems like more proper evidence than just "I saw a flash in the sky 20 km away for 10 seconds". At least this stuff is harder to be mistaken about. But again, unless there is physical evidence it's all quite dry at the end of the day. It is quite curious have many people from the government sector fully believe in UFOs. Both Democrats and Republicans and multiple presidents. And they all want it all uncovered yet nothing has been. So it's either some secret weapons programs or nothing of note.
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