Review of Trauma

Trauma (II) (2017)
If you're looking for the next A Serbian Film, this isn't it
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Apologies in advance for the ASF comparisons, but they're within good reason. I was told this was better (or worse, however you want to look at it) than A Serbian Film. Like many others, I jumped on the hype train expecting this movie to leave a resounding impact on me. It didn't. A Serbian Film left me traumatised and sickened for weeks after. I watched Trauma last night and have forgotten most of it already. It's not a bad movie per say, it does have some strong points, but it's riddled with flaws, plot holes and bad writing. Pointless side stories that hold no relevance nor drive the story. A lot of gore and distressing imagery feeling forced rather than naturally formulated. Not quite the next "most disturbing movie ever made" as many fans of this genre claim it to be. ASF still takes the top spot in my opinion.

We open with a delightfully messed up scene involving our main antagonist as a minor forced to penetrate his mum while his dad shoots her in the head. Here's the problem. Yes, it's horrible and outrageously disturbing, but only 5 minutes in and the movie has already peaked. The thing about ASF was that it gently eased us into these psychologically damaging controversies. They gradually built up at a continuing adequate pace, each one getting worse and worse as the movie went on. Trauma just dives you straight in with no warning or build up. That's fine, but if we've already reached peak level then why should I carry on watching? How are you expecting to keep my interest after this?

At midpoint we get a 10 minute rape scene that I will admit was hard to watch. However, everything that followed just angered me. Instead of running away and seeking help, the girls team up with the village idiot and decide to hunt down Mister Insenst Sadist Maniac themselves. Genius. Bet you can't guess how it turns out?! I'm tired of seeing the same thing over and over again in these movies. Stupid people being stupid. Indestructible villains that can deflect bullets from 4 armed gunman. Derogative portrayals of female characters with poor decision making who lack basic initiative. I can't see how full frontal lesbian nudity or weird pointless strip teases adds anything of value or importance other than something for the pervy-eyed viewers to gawk at.

The story itself does have a lot of strong points. We get valuable insight into why he is the way he is, which is effectively shadowed by his horrific upbringing. I don't know anything about Chilean history or culture, but I did read up and apparently all the insest and rape and tuture was very accurate within these types of corrupt unions, so fair enough, it made sense, and It made sense why she'd want to shoot that inbred baby, so as not to carry on this devilish cycle. All surrounding aspects however didn't quite live up to the same standard.
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