I'm not sure how this got such good reviews
1 August 2023
I wish they had used "Dancing About Architecture" as the title, as that line is the best and most clever piece of the whole movie. I can't believe Angelina Jolie gave up being Trinity for this, or that Sean Connery took the part for such low pay. I also can't believe how many people liked this movie so much. It's a bit middle of the road, with poorly developed characters who have a lot of issues with love.

There were a lot of big names in this film, and it was therefore decently well acted; although my favorite character in the movie turned out to just be a blip talking to a main character, and was just there for his story not her own.

The characters seemed to be so desperate for love, and simultaneously pushing it away, and it all seemed very unrealistic especially for such a short time frame. What were their reasons for their behaviors? They didn't connect well.

Overall, I found the movie to be several incomplete stories tossed together like a bad salad containing too much dog food. They made the characters connected in various ways as an excuse for putting them in the same movie.

I didn't find the movie to be particularly entertaining. I felt the movie wasn't fully formed, and at times even hard to follow. I felt that most of the characters lacked development and logical motivations for their actions.
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