Captain Fall (2023)
So very funny! Netflix: Please renew.
7 August 2023
I so enjoyed this series. Watched all 10 episodes in two binge sessions. Reminds me of Archer. Dark humor mixed with absurdist situations. I had no idea that the producers are also responsible for Norsemen one of my other comedy favorites.

The premise here: a global criminal enterprise headed by a James Bondian villain, Mr. Tyrant, is using a luxury cruise ship to carry out its nefarious objectives, e.g. Human trafficking to stock a human zoo; slaughter of tigers to make a powerful, dangerous ED treatment; kidnapping and body parts harvesting of albinos for good luck charms; a deal for a child-army to protect an illegal Chinese mining colony -- minerals for green EVs! -- in Africa.

To further this enterprise our villain has his people recruit the dumbest most gullible ship's captain on earth: Captain Fall. The good captain is surrounded by sociopaths, mercenaries, and plain old criminals, but he is oblivious to their schemes and his being framed.

Despite their bad behavior, the characters are likable / relatable in a strange, adult-cartoon sort of way. I am looking to know more about their backgrounds in what I hope is season 2. It's a great ensemble cast.

As for the plot, well, it's involved and veers this way and that. There is plenty of un-PC situations and funny stereotypes in each episode so that's a plus.

The dialog is filled with dry humor. Some of it reminds me of the banter from Norsemen. The characters often reveal themselves to be overly self-involved and unfocused on the task at hand. My fave: a short scene where two Norwegians who have escaped from a human zoo in the wilds of Africa debate about how and when, and what it should look like when they head in to a nearby city and return to civilization.

Now this series is not for everyone. Send the kids to bed, for sure. Lots of violence and sexual situations. The swingers club episode is particularly graphic and the dialog explicit, X-rated I suspect.

I watch very few adult cartoons so I am viewing this with a different lens than most reviewers here. But for me this was great fun. Kudos to Jon Iver Helgaker and Jonas Torgersen the producers / creators and Netflix for buying.
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