Alien on a ship? You wish...
17 August 2023
This isn't bad. It's abysmal. I've got more plot off the list of ingredients on the back of a box of cereal. I've seen matchstick figures with more depth of character than the characters in this mess of a movie. Think of one of the those cheap shoot-'em-up games they used to churn out in decades past -- repetitive, pointless, utterly predictable. This is a thousand times worse. What you have basically is a totally unbelievable CGI monster killing off totally unbelievable characters in a totally unbelievable, largely CGI, setting. The heard-it-all-before soundtrack tries but fails to convey what the director and his team would like audiences to believe is emotion (just about the only emotions to be found in this fiasco are disgust and despair at the depths to which filmmaking has sunk of late); and the dialogue is so ridiculously trite, cliché-ridden and hollow that you'd stand a better chance of sitting all the way through this excuse for a film with the sound turned off.

To give you an idea: I watched this for free and I still felt ripped off.
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