Personal responsibility v mindless gluttony
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This films main goal is to make the government responsible for our well-being. In the 60s and 70s it was popular to discuss that the more laws we implement, the more problems they will be with people trying to skirt the laws rather than rely on common sense and mutual respect. Clearly, though, that ship has sailed. As a US citizen who is very proud of their country, until the current Administration was installed, I also recognize that we have implemented so many laws in trying to manage the freedoms we offer that Industries have taken to making sure they just barely stay within the laws and find loopholes by hiring top notch attorneys and lobbyists. But what do salmonella and cancer have in common? They are not as prevalent in other countries. So while this film tries to make the government wholly responsible, the real detriment in the US is how we manufacture things that in our grandparents day was much more wholesome. I was born in the 60s, and back then we relied on common sense. We knew better than eat undercooked meat or to blindly feed things to our children. We ate whole foods because packaged processed foods were not really very common--they were created for the war to have things that did not need refrigeration for boots on the ground. They knew then that processed foods were not healthy for long term. But we have this huge ability to market and sell virtually anything we want to in order to create wealth. And so even milk became something that was allowed to be sold en mass after the FDA was convinced that adding calcium to milk would resolve the problem of pasturized milk depleting the body of calcium , eventually destoying bones. And although I disliked one comment that said the film was a missed opportunity, I can agree that it had very pedestrian information. But I can tell you re their opening line that we should not consume so much produce and meats: in this documentary it claims up to 500 people a year die from foodborne illness; but what they do not say is that over 300,000 per year expire from obesity, which has been proven to be the result of packaged processed foods and fast foods. One is a quick death; the other takes years and destroys quality of life and consumes billions of tax payer dollars in on-going medical care. The ideal way to really keep your family safe is to eat at home and buy local foods, and avoid package denature foods and toxic fast foods. But truly if we were a more family and socially oriented society rather than driven by media and marketing, we would have all learned to cook our food thoroughly and to eat 99% of our food at home. Sometimes disease kills us because of our weakened immune system due to fast food and packaged foods. Someone who eats whole foods and local grown is going to be have a stronger immune system than someone who has dined on the dollar menu for most of their meals and, sadly, that describes many of our inner city children today. Modern disease like cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and Alzheimer are all associated with processed foods and processed animal products. Americans have become super consumers who believe that everything should be fast and tasty no longer taught to wash everything correctly or cook everything correctly by fatiqued parents who are victims of food, envornment and air toxins they didnt even know existed in the 80s and 90s. If Europe has discovered a way to remove 50% of the salmonella then it does sound like we have that capability, as well. But is 50% enough? I think that trying to make the government responsible for everything is turning us into the whiny liberal state that social media would have us believe is the majority. I personally dont believe that is what the US stands for. We should all be intelligent consumers. And to that end, we definitely do need to be informed, but many predictions were ignored and even debunked by media before the catastrophe. If we allow media and entertainment and government to tell us what to eat and how to eat we are just Guinea pigs waiting to become part of a statistic. This film is not meant to be informational, it is mearly meant to point fingers at the government and to unfairly spotlight certain individuals who arent necessarily the main problem. You would have to watch every documentary on food that Netflix has and then some to try to really understand the entirety of our food wheel and how free enterprise in America has become the freedom to view consumers as a commodity. This is a government that allows for a certain number of fatalities to be ignored in crash ratings. America, as a country, is still the safest country to live in. But if we keep handing our well being over to the government to ensure, we are just asking to be lied to. We need to teach our children that free marketing means Let the Buyer Beware. Currently, weve become a nation who thinks that if its for sale it must be ok. Whiney snowphlakes are trying to force the government to take over their own common sense expectations like a pudgey toddler screaming for cake. The answer is stop shoving cake in your mouth. Packaged and fast foods have dumbed down society. How far are we willing to let this lethargic brain dead majority use our government for their personal expectations? And before you report someones review as inappropriate because you disagree, the appropriate way to dislike a review is to simply click the Dislike button. As a reminder, this review previously had 36 out of 52 likes.
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