A Neat Movie That Does The Princesses Somewhat Right
19 August 2023
Rapunzel Snow White, Tiana Moana, and Ariel are about to have an adventure, as Gaston, the hunter from Beauty and the Beast, has managed to kidnap Ariel's father, King Triton, and holds him in a castle where he wants to claim his trident, held by the rulers of Atlantica, and has stolen a lot of riches and relics, including the Magic Mirror that once belong to the evil queen that was vanquished by the Seven Dwarves. Soon, Ariel and the other four princesses are summoned to Gaston's castle as part of a contest between the hunter and King Triton, where if he wins, he not only gets the trident, but also gains rule over the oceans.

A neat Lego special, it basically does right what Disney has failed to do with their live action remakes (so maybe they should take notes of this special, if they are not too busy with their next remake and box office flop). Most of the original VAs are back (Jodi Benson voicing Ariel, who is in her original animated incarnation, Mandy Moore as Rapunzel, even Richard White is brought back to voice Gaston) while bringing in other VAs to voice characters whose original VAs are either unavailable or deceassed (like Jim Cummings, who has voiced a lot of Disney characters, his most prominent being Pete from Mickey Mouse, voicing King Triton, Corey Burton voices the Magic Mirror, and there are even surprise appearance by other characters, some not from the Disney Princess movies).

The special is a good one. It has the five princesses teaming up to take on Gaston (I know his fate in the movie he is from, but Lego shorts like this tend to be their own thing and are not connected to the films or other media they are based on). The princesses are done well, even though the special adds some quirks they didn't have (even Snow White, who seems to have learned her lesson from what happened to her, although the special has made her a little crazy to a point where she wields an axe, which is used as a gag, making her somewhat out of character), and the voice acting can be hit or miss, but the story is exciting and teaches a good moral.
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