Tough As Nails (2020– )
Some really fine essential worker exploitation
20 August 2023
The introduction of the show is a voice over by Phil Keoghan that brings across the theme of the show in a nutshell: people who don't work with their hands aren't real Americans. The show then proceeds to have a group of 10 eminently likable blue-collar workers provide companies all over California with free labor, whether they're setting up irrigation systems, painting parking lots, replacing burnt-out stadium lights or laying foundation for houses. The competition segments are interspersed with human interest/tragedy porn; most of these folks are skilled laborers, so they're earning more than minimum wage, but they still need the prize money badly to pay debts (many of which are medical), buy homes, or pay tuition for kids. There's a lot of stereotyping, too. I don't think the main point of the show was supposed to be that we need to pay our essential workers better and make sure everyone has healthcare coverage, but that was my takeaway; you get the feeling from some of these folks that they would be in dire straits without the prize money windfall, and that's not right.
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