Review of Kill 'Em All

Kill 'Em All (2017)
a study in 'mis-direction' so well executed in a very flawed film, few if any realise what's really going on!
22 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kill 'em all - a study in 'mis-direction' so well executed in a very flawed film, few if any realise what's really going on; the film is actually of a 'Plan B', hurridly put in place after a botched assassination of a visiting foreign dignitary.

The clues aren't obvious at all. Only consulting the Wikipedia listing does one appear at all, suggesting much more is going on than meets the eye: where although Maria Conchita Alonso is credited as FBI Agent Linda Sanders, and Peter Stormare as FBI Agent Holman throughout the film he wears the same badge as her. Plays 'good cop, bad cop' routine with Agent Sanders, in Wiki, Peter Stormare is credited as CIA Agent Holman!! Which makes total sense in light of his admission that he'd been chasing war criminals and gangsters around in the Balkans for many years. Which no FBI agent would ever do.

The CIA 'mission' is kill 'em all. Orchestrated by Stormare using (ageing) JCVD who's out for revenge, as the assassin.

When Plan A falls apart and JCVD ends up in the same hospital as the wounded target with gunmen on the way, Stormare sends in his Plan B agent Autumn Reeser (as nurse Suzanne) for support to complete the mission. Which has always been: kill 'em all, anyhow, anywhere.

Suzanne survives the slaughter and left by JCVD (who conveniently disappears, stage left) to be grilled by the FBI, concerned by the death toll and the fact that a foreign dignitary has been blown away on a hospital gurney.

Stormare (as a fake FBI agent) is present at 'Suzanne's' interrogation where his agent (who assumed the identity of a real nurse Suzanne chosen by chance in the hospital) is fed personal information by him using an optical trick with his glasses, on the real Suzanne convincing the FBI to let her go.

She walks The real nurse Suzanne is discovered tied up in the hospital Panic station for the FBI as the impostor has disappeared

Stormare's agent puts on a blonde wig, walks down a deserted parking garage and gets into an SUV driven by JCVD

Stormare sends JCVD a text.

What Stormare always intended to do, 'kill 'em all', acccomplished. And JCVD has revenged his father's murder when he was a child.
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