Review of Schizoid

Schizoid (1980)
Pretty middling slasher from Cannon
3 September 2023
Marianna Hill plays a newspaper advice columnist who starts getting threatening letters. Later, members of her therapy group (run by Klaus Kinski!) start to die. The murder scenes have a giallo-esque feel to them (killer in a black trenchcoat and fedora wielding some big ol' scissors), but the mystery is pretty much one of those unveiled due to billing in the opening credits. Kinski is his crazy self and Donna Wilkes is great as his daughter. Richard Herd and Joe Regalbuto play a couple of cops and Christopher Lloyd plays a janitor. If anything, the film makes the California of 1979/80 an ideal looking place to live, where hot tubs were abound and therapy groups were inclusive enough to include a janitor. Cannon had previously put out writer-director David Paulsen's horror slasher SAVAGE WEEKEND (1979). Amazingly, after this he went on to a big career producing prime time soaps like Dallas and Dynasty.
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