Trespass Against Us (I) (2016)
Couldn't get through it.
7 September 2023
Trespass Against Us (2016) -

This film was not my thing at all. I hate, just hate the mentality of it, the anger and the stupidity. I'm sure that it didn't represent the entire Romany/Gipsy community, but it showed up the ones that it did represent as idiotic and thoughtless. Perhaps as it moved on, it would have shown Michael Fassbender's character Chad become a more useful member of society, but I couldn't get through it.

It was nice that Bender actually kept the same accent all the way through for a change though, or at least until the point that I turned it off anyway.

Despite it not being a film or even a style that I usually like, I was hoping that it would maybe have some fantastic dramatic performances from the two leading males, Mike and Brendan Gleeson as Colby, so I stuck with it as long as I could, but by the time a second dog was killed, I just couldn't put up with it any more. Not even for Michael and Brendon whom I usually enjoy.

Unscored as unfinished.
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