Perpetrator (2023)
A Very Weird Film, That Makes For A Super Awkward Viewing Experience.
11 September 2023
This film has an incredibly odd vibe.

Mostly, because the acting in it is awkwardly bad.

Though, seemingly purposefully so.

At least...I'd like to hope so.

The plot is particularly bizarre.

Almost hard to follow.

An hour in...and all I could that it is some sort of coming of age film...about a high school girl getting her period...who might be getting initiated into a coven of witches...that may or may not already be dead...

Either whatever world this is...someone is targeting and killing young women.

Who might be a cop.

That is trying to frame a young player (by going after every chick he gets with).

It's all a pretty odd experience.

That has to be some sort of nightmare, if it is to make any sense.

Eventually...what is actually going on, does come to fruition.

But it doesn't make it any less weird or awkward.

By this has set it's course...and is sticking to it.

Doubling down on the trippiness, if anything.

I can't say for certain that I fully get what's going on in this picture.

But I can safely say that it will leave you thinking "what the hell did I just watch?!".

That being's hard to say whether it's actually good or bad.

As it defies such a dichotomy.

In exchange for it's overt weirdness.

That makes for a super odd/awkward viewing experience.

4 out of 10.
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