Final Summer (2023)
At least the mask looks cool.
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Movie review: Final Summer

The new independent horror film Final Summer aspires to nothing more than recapturing the old school feel of mid to late 80's slashers. In this it succeeds.

Unfortunately, it taps into the vibe of the wrong slashers. Final Summer isn't at all reminiscent of the really fun slice and dice flicks of the 80's, such as Friday the 13th, the Halloween sequels or beloved cult one shots like Madman and My Bloody Valentine.

Instead, this movie lands with a thud in the same camp as the dozens of watered down, lifeless clones that were churned out by studios every other week. Dull, forgettable fare like Final Exam or Graduation Day that not only weren't particularly scary, but so oversaturated the market they eventually killed audience interest in the subgenre until Scream revived it in the mid 90's.

The story is set at Camp Silver Lake in 1991, some five years after a prologue that ends with two people being murdered near a campfire by a sinister figure wearing a skull mask. As the story proper opens we learn it's the final day of camp , which is being closed as a result of a tragedy that has just happened under the watch of a couple of counselors while on a hike in the woods with some of their young charges.

After the local police investigate the incident and leave, it's up to the remaining staff on hand to close the place down before they go home for what they are informed will apparently be the final time. Over the course of the night, the figure in the skull mask seen in the prologue reappears and hunts the counselors, coming after them with a large axe.

That's all the story there is and, honestly, I was fully onboard with that. That's all I need.

They botched it.

Moving ahead there will be SPOILERS:

If I had to sum this movie up in one word, it would be "inept". I hate using that word, because it sounds really mean and I do understand the limitations of a low to no budget production, but the problems with this movie are too large to ignore or excuse. Moreover, I look at films like the excellent indie slow burn The Invitation - which is literally nothing more than people at an increasingly tense dinner party - and it tells me a lot can go right, even when a production is forced to work within the confines of a limited budget.

My focus here is going to be on the actual storytelling and visual filmmaking and not the cast, The cast is average and largely forgettable. Basically, they're typical slasher movie characters.

Let's begin with the script. It feels like a really rough first draft. There are ideas introduced (such as the final girl having a tragic past of her own) and they're handled so sloppily, they either seem to have come out of nowhere or I was confused as to what actually going on.

Case in point: The owner of the camp explains there have been accidents at the site for years and everyone knows who is responsible, yet based on the events of the previous scene I actually had no idea who she was talking about. I assume it was the guy in the skull mask, but it's never made clear any of the counselors are even aware of his existence before he shows up to kill them.

Then there's the cinematography, which is some of the ugliest I've ever seen. Everything seems slightly out of focus around the edges, as if the film were shot in standard definition and unsuccessfully upscaled to HD. On top of that, it's visually boring. There's no imagination or particular creativity with the way the film is shot. It's filmed and edited in a flat, plodding manner.

The kill scenes lack gore for the most part and there's no sense of genuine danger during the chase scenes. One sequence inexplicably transitions to a wide shot during a murder, filmed a fair distance from the action. Let me tell you, a few gory close ups of a body being hacked to pieces would definitely have benefitted this movie.

Plus, the killer isn't all that imposing. He has an average build and there's no specific body language exuding a sense of menace the way The Shape or Jason project. All I could think during the chase scenes in this film was a good, solid baseball bat to the head would lay this clown in the skull mask right out and then everyone could go home.

Then there's the climax, where the true villain is revealed. The killer is dispatched by being knocked into a swimming pool (which looks weirdly polluted the entire film) and having a stereo thrown in after them. We see the stereo go into the water, but at no point do we ever actually see the villain onscreen being electrocuted, nor do we ever see a shot of their corpse. There are some interesting and creative approaches a filmmaker could adopt to depict an electrocution, but not actually showing the death of the villain and instead implying their offscreen demise isn't one of them.

The movie ends on strange note, suggesting the true killer is still out there. It says something that the motivations behind what characters do in this film are so badly explained, I had no idea who the other killer was supposed to be or how the police figured out there was even a second one. Chalk up another casualty of this flick's tendency to introduce ideas that are half baked into the plot.

Final Summer has middling performances, poorly staged action, almost no real gore, it isn't at any point scary and it's ugly to look at. Were it not for Jeepers Creepers reborn, this would land squarely as the worst film I've seen in 2023. I can't recommend this.

Cool skull mask though.
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