Did I miss something?
21 September 2023
We started to watch T C O T W and It was fun and funny, I refused to believe it was a CGI rendition... I refused because Jack London wrote the best book of my entire life (81 years) "Croc Blanc" And years later I read 'White Fang' with the same passion and enjoyment. So I really wanted to believe I was going to re- live this atmosphere.

But soon, soon I had to come to term with the sad reality I was watching a terrible remake of my favourite book's 'brother'. And I did lose interest from then on.

Instead I browsed IMDB's users comments. There I was astonished with the number of people who saw so much good about it. One comment said 'it gets better as it goes', another, 'Harrison Ford saved this movie. Yes I was quite disheartened to see some of my best actors like Sy and Ford in such what I'd called a sad and regrettable parody.

My browsing was focused on those who seemed to have the same sorry experience I had. So my first encounter was with a 1 rating (IMDB we need to have minus and zero for the rating, I'm sure it would have been used in that entry) It's author said exactly what I would have like to be able to write. I found it intelligent, educated, comprehensive and well-articulated.

It may be entertaining for youngsters who have not read the book and have no idea what it supposes to be about. Perhaps it should have a warning "not recommended for those with a mental age greater than 12 years old." I also read a comment directed at all those, like me, who 'had a gut full', to put it mildly, of the CGI. OK, some people do know better and like recognition for it. So I'll restrain myself and won't respond to the comment.

I will watch it again with my grand kids, and pretend that it has nothing to do with Jack London stories.

Actually, I had a look at White Fang 2018 film and was somehow relieved to see it was a cartoon, it was in French and the trailer was kind of OK... PS regarding the score, I usually omit to give one as I feel that it's ludicrous. I think I gave one once on my mobile at it seemed that I was forced to, to have it published....
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