Review of Top Dog

Top Dog (2020– )
Enjoyable but Highly Flawed
22 September 2023
I watched the two series back to back.

Although I did enjoy watching these dramas, there was so much that did not make any sort of sense it that it was very frustrating.

Characters behaving differently to suite whatever scenario they were faced with.

I found the lead female character, played by Josefin Asplund, just not convincing. It wasn't her fault, it was the script which had her doing all sorts of investagative legalise without sharing this with the viewer.

Just walking into top jobs, partuclalrly the last one, was just no plausible.

This was also a very violent drama.

In these current times when there is supposed to be zero tolerence on racism, then it is hardly sympathetic to this ideal to cast gangs of muerderous posychopaths living out little Serbia in Sweden.

Another things in the dramam which was noticeable by absence, was a police force. They hardly made any appearane at all despiter the many urders, brutal attacks, kidnapping, extyortion, fraud etc, etc. I watched the two series back to back.

Although I did enjoy watching these dramas, there was so much that did not make any sort of sense and was very frustrating.

Characters behaving differently to suite whatever scenario they were faced with and illogical decisions being made just to suite the storyline.

Worst of all was the Teddy/Sara relationship in prison .... Really??? I don't think so!!

I found the lead female character, played by Josefin Asplund, just not convincing. It wasn't her fault, it was the script which had her doing all sorts of investigative legalise without sharing this with the viewer.

Just walking into top jobs, particularly the last one, was just not plausible.

This was also a very violent drama.

In these current times when there is supposed to be zero tolerance on racism, then it is hardly sympathetic to this ideal to cast gangs of murderous psychopaths living out little Serbia in Sweden.

Another things in the drama which was noticeable by absence, was a police force. They hardly made any appearance at all despite the many murders, brutal attacks, kidnapping, extortion, fraud etc, etc.
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