Review of Bloodride

Bloodride (2020)
Rating should be higher
26 September 2023
No idea why the bus is involved, but this is an anthology of dark stories, a bit similar to "Inside no. 9" (though not quite as good). The genre varies nicely: from classic supernatural horror to psychological thriller. It's not exceedingly gory, and doesn't have jump scares.

Karakterdrap, I thought, was wonderful. For the other episodes something that makes the rating 7 rather than 8 or 9 is that some of the twists are a little half-baked. First, some of them become obvious a little earlier than the plot suggests they should. Second - and most important - after we see the twist, there's not enough time and context given to fully appreciate it. It's missing the foreshadowing that would make you go "oooh... that explains that little detail earlier". At the same time it doesn't spend any time after the twist to show the alternative side of the story that we hadn't seen (it's usually just given in one or two sentences), so I'm often left with questions that I wish were explored a little more.
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