22 Episodes was just too long!
11 October 2023
A hot air balloon lands on a island with a mysterious "Phantom" always being felt but not seen.

This review is not going on distant memories but rather by a 2023 viewing of Mysterious Island.

The first five episodes were very well written and acted but even at the start there were problems as it kept repeating the plot point of a single castaway falling down somewhere or being trapped. Then needing to be rescued.

By the sixth episode I was bored out of my skull. At this point it just seemed too different from the 1961 Mysterious Island movie I know and love.

I stuck with the first five episodes because I liked some of the characters a lot but this could not keep me going for 22 episodes. Frankly, the whole experience of watching this series was a negative experience because it gets you hooked for a few episodes then lets you down with very dull, almost unwatchable, adventures.
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