Captain Drummond to the rescue
17 October 2023
Under heavy fog Drummond (Ray Milland) comes in for a landing against everyone's better judgment. It is important as his friend Algy Longworth is in the hospital (I rather not say what for).

While confronting Algy (Reginald Denny) on this delicate matter he gets a call from Inspector Col. Sir Reginald Nielson (Sir Guy Standing) who warns him to go home or leave the country immediately. "But Inspector!", "Don't call me inspector!"

Sir Reginald explains that he is on vacation and every time Bulldog shows up there is a mystery with a beautiful woman in distress and a murder nearby.

Naturally, Bulldog shrugs him off, and sure enough, runs into a beautiful woman (Phyllis Clavering) in distress and a nearby body being bogged down. A friend of the inspector (Walter Kingsfordis) is staying and running her house. Try as he may Bulldog cannot convince the inspector that his so-called friend is up to no good. So now he must enlist Algy to help prove it.

Does he succeed or is it all a mistake?

---------------------------------------- Different prints of the film are available. Naturally, the "Alpha Video" is the same old scratchy transfer. There are transfers to others that are very clear. Look for "Janus Films"
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