24 October 2023
Can't believe I watched a Christmas film in October.

This movie expects the viewer to be stupid
  • The work collègue of Addie put in an offer for a house in the suburbs and had it accepted and already gave her notice without actually exchanging and moving in! Seriously I'm suppose to believe this how!

  • Addie gets a job at Christmas in Aus and she has to start early January - yeah right has anyone heard of visas!

So funny the way Americans say Australia. Nobody who actually knows Aus would say Australia in long form as many times as they do in this movie. It's Aus or Oz people!!

And that accent from the voicemail when Addie gets her job offer - the worst try hard Aus accent ever!

I did like the concept of this film and the dog was so cute - that's all I liked about it.
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