Dark Windows (2023)
Summary of this rating: slow, good acting, low action. (See full review for specific details)
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For anybody who gets bored easily from slow movies, do not watch this film.

CONS: There was about 10 minutes of terrorizing in this movie. 1h of this movie is just the main character being depressed, and people drinking and talking. But in those 10 minutes of terrorizing, I guess it was okay action wise, but I would have like a little more time, and action. The deaths were basic, and not bloody, and there wasn't any fighting except for a few punches. Half of those 10 minutes were spent of the main character tied to a chair. Would say that the violence is mild-moderate in this movie. This movie is also very predictable. The trailer really surprised me, and made me want to watch the movie because of how good the trailer looked, but the movie is way worse. About everything in those 10 minutes from in the movie we're in the trailer. (Usually in movies they don't put every intense scene into the trailers)

PROS: acting was amazing with the main character, I've never seen her before, and I was pleasantly surprised at her performance. I liked the characters development, and the plot of this movie was interesting, but it was a little predictable.

This movie could fit in the PG-13 rating if there wasn't the swearing. About 10 f words in this movie, and more words that I'm not counting lol

I would give this movie a good 5-5.5/10 because of the amazing acting, and the low action and slowness.
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