The Golden Bachelor (2023– )
GERRY is a Fraud, 70 the forgotten demographic
27 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I never watch these shows. Being a mature woman, I was drawn to this like a car crash. 50, 60+ the forgotten demographic. They say there's a lot of sex activity in retirement homes.

The producers didn't do their due diligence.

**There will be an Act 2 next year. "GERRY changed after we got married. My dream became a nightmare." I wiil now say, after the finale &information on line, I called it. I didn't buy Mr Perfects act, or his last attempt at love after his wife died, Suddenly 6 yrs ago.

Comes to light he had a live-in fiancee for 2.5 yrs shortly after his wife's death (there is an inference on line, suspicious. ) She left him for being too controlling. He is manipulative & looking for a Cash Cow, started seeing her shortly after his wife's sudden death. He may have thrown the Girlftirnd/fiancee down the stairs, she was injured, when she wanted to leave. He told the last 3 women, I LOVE you, U R THE ONE. Someone suggested they hope these women are actresses. Not to be the pot who calls the kettle black, they are very Naive. He let each woman think they had a "special connection." Mr. PERFECT in a controlled circumstances, only a few hours contact. He seemed very inauthentic to me.

I wrote after Episode 6, 3 left- Garry is so touchy-feely sentimental. I dont believe it. He makes the woman, at least on camera, think he is THE One.

He looks better than average for 72, Tall not pauchy, not too jowly (skinny bird legs). On camera he says what they want to hear. He is not Retired, I assume solvent. Most of the women look like they've had plastic surgery & knee surgery (the knees go), mostly thin, 61 to 74. All the women think they have "a special connection" and most are declaring they are (falling) in love. After each date, that one relates to the others how magical it was.

He picks 3 to meet their family, After 2 "private dates". Of course he gets along with all families He is a manipulative camilian. Truth is, a few short dates is not enough time to know anyone. What you don't know, ur brain & ur hopes fills in.

This creates an artificial situation In which the women vying for his attention have a must win. It is a competition. "Choose me" I want to be the winner. On outward appearance & limited contact, Gary is the perfect guy.

SPOILERS He declares strong feelings for each one, as they each declare their love. Without making a commitment. He won't move to be close to someone else's family, but 2out of 3 expect it. What they do not seem to realize, he was cast for a reason. They hope, think he will be their last great love. They all seem like nice, ordinary women, surrounded by family, which is not always the case as you get older.

Gary is a potential for all the women. Potential love is not love, If he even really feels anything. Now he is supposed to choose last 3 after 2 private dates.

Spolier- last 3, he drops Faith who was sure she was chosen. Broken hearted, but you missed a Bullet, Faith.

Last 2 overnight private dates. Leslie clearly slept with him and Bought a 60k wedding dress, you can't take it with you. He also sleeps with Theresa, and after finding out how financially successful Theresa was, he chooses his Cash Cow.

Someone gave him a tag line he overuses, looking for the one, Not that he can live with, but who he can't live without. LESLIE You escaped! You wanted to believe, I understand.

In real life, initial chemistry is not enough for marriage at any age. And no one knows anyone, yet.

They have scheduled a TV live wedding Jan2024. THERESA RUN before it's too late.
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