Pluto (2023)
The Next Step
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface some stuff, I've never seen nor heard of the manga. So when looking into the show I was surprised to learn its relation to Astro Boy, as i've only seen the 2009 movie as a child. I wasn't sure what to expect but in all ways i was surprised.

First I watched in the Dub, im usually a dub watcher as i don't have the best eyesight and i find it taxing to have to read for so long at times. But the dub was mostly fantastic. The cast has so many well known actors such as the actors for Dr. Tennma and Epsilon. But I feel standouts have to be for Gisecht, Brau, Atom, and Pluto. Truly this is one of the more talented casts i have seen in anime.

I've seen some reviews so far that have gripes that the story lacked action (seriously some dude gave it a 2, if you're being realistic do you know how bad a piece of media has to be to give it a 2. A movie would've had to date my mom and break up with her a week later to honestly get a 2). But personally as i didn't know what to expect i was pleasantly surprised. The story is reminiscent of tales such as Blade Runner, General Noir films, maybe even Seven to a degree. Even with the first episode i appreciate how this show takes its time to build emotion and characters. Like seriously the first episode is 20 minutes or so with our main character, then over 30 with a random robot butler who just wants to play piano. Then (SPOILER!!!) dies immediately after. Most shows would see this as a waste of time, but to me this may create an unforgettable memory. Connection to a character and music of North No. 2 who we only know for so little of time. I truly appreciate that. Then whatever action we get is usually good. Not great but good. The show doesn't rely on the action to entertain you, it's more the emotional connection and implications with the action that get you. Like when (SPOILER AGAIN) Epsilons head gets ripped off, my heart truly sank for a moment, something not too much media can do.

The mystery of the show is fantastic as well, there really is a huge sense of anticipation episode to episode to find out when, why, what, and where things happen. I can't say the story is unique in its ideas on A. I. but that doesn't not mean that in any way it isn't an enjoyable take on them.

If i had any gripes with the show, I do wish that some things were explained a little better such as Dr. Roosevelt and Adolfo's brothers (SPOILER) kidnapping and torture of Gesichts child. As well the animation incorporates cgi into some of the more complex scenes. At times it can be slightly hard on the eyes but for the most part it is alright, if not great.

I literally just finished the show and am typing this out on my phone, so please don't expect this to be some fantastic in depth review. I've never done these before. This is just as honest as a take possible that this may/ should be a future classic show. Also my 10/10 does not mean the show is perfect, i doubt any art media could be. But it is as close to perfection i think realistically possible.
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