The Second Film in the Agent 077 Franchise
2 November 2023
This film essentially begins with a scientist by the name of "Professor Franz Kurtz" (Ennio Balbo) inventing a new destructive weapon known as a disintegration ray which is capable of completely obliterating anything in its range. Needless to say, this draws the intense interest of a number of governments which will pay quite a sum of money to get their hands on it. So, when he is abducted in Istanbul by an unknown group, the United States sends its best secret agent named "Dick Malloy" (Ken Clark) to Europe to follow what few clues there might be in order to rescue him. Interestingly enough, Professor Kurtz's daughter "Romy Kurtz" (Evi Marandi) not only has little information to give to him, but she seems to prefer Russian interests over that of America. Fortunately, Agent Malloy has a way of attracting attention and the same group who kidnapped Professor Kurtz have no interest in allowing him to conduct his investigation without making their presence known. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an okay European clone of the highly popular James Bond films during this particular period of time. It does not, however, have quite the same sophistication or intensity of its more famous competitor and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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