An odd movie about an odd man.
15 November 2023
The World According to Garp is a very strange movie that I think I liked more than I disliked. It has some truly baffling stuff in it (there's a car accident at one point, and the way the scene ends - a freezeframe and a long, drawn-out close-up on one character - is just so jarring in a way that I don't think worked the way the filmmakers wanted it to), but some of the non-sequitur moments I liked... some guy just flying a plane into the side of a house during one seemingly peaceful scene early on. That's the kind of chaotic comedy that makes me love something like The Blues Brothers or It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World so dearly.

The cast is very good here, but I guess most of the big names here were still pretty close to the start of their careers - Robin Williams, Glenn Close, and John Lithgow, mostly. It's kind of a life story about one weird kid who grows up to be a weird man, and though I never quite understood what his deal was, the film was still interesting. It has a strange blend of comedy and tragedy, and it's messy, but in a way that kind of works. Life is chaotic, and there are right and wrong ways to get that message across on screen... I guess The World According to Garp mostly gets it right, even if I wasn't quite as moved as maybe I was supposed to be.

For the performances, unique tone, and general solid filmmaking, I feel like it's a worthwhile watch. It's a tad overlong, and borderline too weird at points, but it's interesting. It is one of those Robin Williams movies that feels particularly sad to watch since his passing, though... we hear When I'm 64 by The Beatles at a couple of points in the film, and Williams passed away at 63, which did make a surprisingly already quite sad film even sadder (the inverse of Hey Jude... taking a sad song and making it sadder - "Bye Jude"?)
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