Review of Wilson

Wilson (1944)
Overlong and academic biopic about the President who conceived the League of Nations
16 November 2023
Biography of Woodrow Wilson from his days as the head of Princeton University, to the governor of New Jersey and as U. S. President during WWI. After the war he conceives of the League of Nations but is unable to sell it to U. S. still bent on isolationism. A lavish movie won critical plaudits but was a major money losser. This three-hour biopic was well reviewed in its day and nominated for a raft of Academy Awards, but the box-office tills did not ring. Stars Alexander Knox who gives a very serious acting, he's more a character actor than a leading man, he made an acceptable Wilson, the President who founded the League of Nations in 1920, only for Congress to vote against US participation in it. Knox is accompanied by a prestigious cast, such as: Geraldine Fitzgerald, Thomas Mitchell, Ruth Nelson, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Chares Coburn, William Eythe, Mary Anderson, Ruth Ford, Sidney Blackmer, Madeleine Forbes, Stanley Ridges, among others. Producer Darryl F. Zanuck, fresh from his experiences of WWII, was keen to make the film which adressed the problems of the age. The result is some tiring, overlong, boring, worthy and frankly solemn. Henry King 's direction is well crafted, though heavy and dull. Here Henry King is more thought-provoking and inclined toward brooding issues and no action, with a romantic subplot between Wilson and his two wives. King is a compelling expert on Adventure/Western genre, as he directed classic Westerns as ¨Jesse James¨ (1939) and ¨The gunfighter¨ (1950) with Gregory Peck. Koster was specialist on Drama and Adventure genre as proved in ¨Untamed¨, ¨Captain King¨, ¨Captain of Castilla¨, ¨Black Swan¨, ¨Stanley and Livingstone ¨and many others. Rating : 6/10, acceptable and passable. Worthwhile watching for the historical biography lovers.

Adding more details to those exposed in the film, Wilson's biographical facts are as follows: Wilson defeated incumbent Republican William Howard Taft and third-party nominee Theodore Roosevelt to easily win the 1912 United States presidential election, becoming the first Southerner to do so since 1848. During his first year as president, Wilson authorized the widespread imposition of segregation inside the federal bureaucracy. He ousted many African Americans from federal posts and his opposition to women's suffrage drew protests. His first term was largely devoted to pursuing passage of his progressive New Freedom domestic agenda. His first major priority was the Revenue Act of 1913, which lowered tariffs and began the modern income tax. Wilson also negotiated the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, which created the Federal Reserve System. Two major laws, the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Antitrust Act, were enacted to promote business competition and combat extreme corporate power. At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the U. S. declared neutrality as Wilson tried to negotiate a peace between the Allied and Central Powers. He narrowly won re-election in the 1916 United States presidential election, boasting how he kept the nation out of wars in Europe and Mexico. In April 1917, Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany in response to its policy of unrestricted submarine warfare that sank American merchant ships. Wilson nominally presided over war-time mobilization and left military matters to the generals. He instead concentrated on diplomacy, issuing the Fourteen Points that the Allies and Germany accepted as a basis for post-war peace. He wanted the off-year elections of 1918 to be a referendum endorsing his policies, but instead the Republicans took control of Congress. After the Allied victory in November 1918, Wilson went to Paris where he and the British and French leaders dominated the Paris Peace Conference. Wilson successfully advocated for the establishment of a multinational organization, the League of Nations. It was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles that he signed. Wilson had refused to bring any leading Republican into the Paris talks, and back home he rejected a Republican compromise that would have allowed the Senate to ratify the Versailles Treaty and join the League. Wilson had intended to seek a third term in office but suffered a severe stroke in October 1919 that left him incapacitated. His wife and his doctor controlled Wilson, and no significant decisions were made. Meanwhile, his policies alienated German- and Irish-American Democrats and the Republicans won a landslide in the 1920 presidential election. Scholars have generally ranked Wilson in the upper tier of U. S. presidents, although he has been criticized for supporting racial segregation. His liberalism nevertheless lives on as a major factor in American foreign policy, and his vision of ethnic self-determination resonated globally.
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