Sweet but not overly memorable children's ghost story
16 November 2023
It's no word of a lie to say that I'd never heard of "The Amazing Mr. Blunden" before now but then again it did hit the silver screen when I was in nappies. As it happens I probably would have enjoyed its simple sentimentality just a few years later but that was long before VCRs became a consumer must-have.

Still the film is available to stream and delivers on its many positive attributes if you're in the right mood. For a start the story may be naive but it is also straightforward and the central child actors carry the dialogue well enough. They don't have to do a great deal mind.

In contrast the adult actors generally take to their characters with some gusto. Diana Dors is remarkably effective as the evil, bullying mother-in-law and quite unrecognisable under her makeup. Her demented husband David Lodge is also genuinely scary and together they add a real darkness to the tale.

That said the story doesn't have much heft and apart from the central twist (which is inventive) it mostly trundles along in a quite predictable arc. Still there's nothing wrong with seeing the baddies get their comeuppance while goodness is rewarded. A solid watch if you have young, but not too young, children.
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