Aa Naluguru (2004)
Worth Watching
23 November 2023
If Tamil Cinema has Anbe Sivam then Telugu Cinema has Aa Nalguru.. factually even better. One of the Greatest Life-lesson any Human Drama could ever teach you. Aa Naluguru has got nothing to do with Tamil Masterpiece Anbe Sivam but here i mentioned it because i feel that these two films have given the best life-lessons to mankind. Anbe Sivam taught us that, 'Love Is God' but that film had some factual issues with the context such as Love Story and Sacrifice attached to the screenplay. Don't get me wrong, i am not degrading it. I am just trying to explain how these two films are different while dealing the main course of the context. Anbe Sivam is long because it takes time to establish characters, their events and lives with some entertaining elements like romance, friendship, action etc. But Aa Naluguru strikes right on the point from the first scene. It's a story of a man who fights for his philosophy that spreading love and human relations are more important than money. This happens with that afterlife formula, the same what Hollywood invented in 40s decade but failed to give a life-long message and rather kept it limited upto watchable rom-com. Aa Naluguru is a film that teaches you the biggest lessons of life which can turn you into a real human or to some extent a God within a Human. This character Raghuram that Rajendra Prasad plays will remain in your memory forever as the best on screen TEACHER ever. How emotionally this films explores the life lessons is surely not a thing made for weak-hearted guys. If you have a heart at right place and if your brain is working perfectly then this film with melt your heart and educate your brain and these two big changes in you will happen at the same time. Just keep a box of tissues ready before watching this film. In one word, MASTERPIECE! That One Modern film which you MUST see and then force others to see it.
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