A different edge to the series.
29 November 2023
No doubt about it. Professionally wise this was a better made film in many aspects. For starters tge ambience was darker, like a good old gangster film should be. It still contained some old faces, even a surprise towards the end, but the film was again centered around Pat Tate (Craig Fairbrass) who in fairness has maintained his same character from the start, and is no different in this film.

But being honest, I did miss Craig Rolfe and Tony Tucker. Despite their characters being nasty pieces of work they bought a comedic side in a positive way which I liked. But I also liked this version as well although not in the same vain.

The fims still contains aspects of the seedier parts of life that helped made the franchise popular. And Craig Fairbrass spilled an adequate amount of blood, and as the film suggests took vengeance out on his enemies.

As usual, like in the other films, the timeline doesn't seem to fit comfortably with the rest of the franchise. Not that it matters. If you haven't watched the others, you won't know and if you have you are more than used to it.

The one thing I will say, is that although all the other films were highly exaggerated, I do believe they were often based on rumours or stories from all the characters life. Although Vengeance is a good film, I don't think it is actually close to real events. But it is a good story, and is not at all centred around the Essex murders at all.
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