Review of Dark Souls II

Dark Souls II (2014 Video Game)
What could possibly await us? And yet we seek it, insatiably.
4 December 2023
Dark Souls 2 is one of those games I have played so many times I have put hundreds and hundreds of our into it and I enjoyed very much.

For me Dark Souls 2 is a world of collapse and Decay but it's so far gone that there is almost nothing to save, every place you go that's only hollow shell of what was before.

The atmosphere is so dead, but beautiful and the item descriptions are mostly just I think this happens hundreds of years ago because the history is so far gone that it just memories now and those are almost gone.

My favorite line of Dark Souls because it's talked to me.

There is no path, beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of dark.

What could possibly await us?

And yet we seek it, insatiably.

Gameplay still very strong I enjoyed it has a weird feeling of floatiness and doesn't really feel good to play before you have the adaptability that at least add 39, but that moment you do that it feels fun. I enjoy this game as boss even if most of them are just defeated and get out of there. It's not really the most memorable boss fight game, but the world is certainly memorable for how destointed it is.

The more I played the more I enjoy this game. It's the opposite of Dark Souls 3 where I enjoyed more on a gameplay level but less and less on the story Level From the more I play it.
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