Not even worth seeing for how weird it is
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Possibly in Michigan" is an American live action short film from 1983, so this one has or rather had its 40th anniversary this year and the writer is Cecelia Condit, who is still working a filmmaker in 2023, even in terms of short films, but yeah given the quality here, I am not surprised she has made any progress in almost half a century and possibly should have taken a different career path. Anyway, she uploaded these under twelve minutes on her Youtube channel for everybody to watch, but as you can see from my rating, I really would not recommend it. I mean many people have done beautiful things film-wise without a budget and often you did not see the absence of money, but here Condit sadly has not. Let's look at the basics: Early on we have two women at a shopping mall and there is also another person around who is wearing a weird mask and maybe seems to be stalking the females. On a side note, apparently this character with the mask is not played by the man we see later on, but by Condit herself? More money saved. But the two women are not really scared or running or anything really, so no clue what was going on there. If they even realize he was there. Later on, one of the two walks literally right by him and still shows no reaction. It just doesn't make sense. Police are also not existent apparently, but garbage disposal companies are. You could ask a hundred other questions about this film where it makes no sense: Why is nobody else at the mall? Why is the guy wearing a mask if he definitely draws attention to him then.

You can also keep asking questions about what happens afterwards at the house where one woman lives. Why is the guy(?) all of a sudden there out on the street wearing a mask again? Why is the mask suddenly gone when he enters the house? Why is he credited as Prince Charming? A clumsy unsuccessful shot at irony/sarcasm? Honestly, the next thing would have been him bringing flowers because of the actor's name? If he is really some strange weirdo, then why do the two kiss passionately before it escalates? We then hear his strange suggestion where he offers his girlfriend(?) two choices that are both not exactly in her favor. Apparently then the other woman (an actual Karen) enters the house armed despite not having been warned by her friend, who is by the way played by the somewhat attractive Jill Sands. Oh, now is this where you give me the explanation that she obviously recognized the guy following? There is just too much off with this film and I don't need a 100% rational movie where you can explain everything (on the contrary, a little mystery is appreciated indeed), but here nothing makes sense and simply saying the explanation is that there is no rationality, there is no plot, nothing is supposed to make sense, is not enough from my perspective. Maybe this is one of the films that you indeed only appreciate more when you are under the influence, but obviously I want to encourage everybody to stay sober and an awful film that looks also really amateurish is not going to change my mind there. People in Michigan should hope that the title is a lie because it gives a bad name to their home state.

It is probably a good thing that none of the three "actors" here have been in anything else really according to imdb. One of them apparently usually rather worked in the music department and she is also credited there for this film here. What you hear is maybe even more bizarre than what you see and maybe also a bit better. I would say that with a better visual side in terms of everything the audio could have been part of a decent film in fact. There the psychedelic component really comes into play, even if I still wonder what was up with dogs in this film. They do not seem to have an easy time or rather the poodle we hear about did not. The ones we see are alright, but they are also not poodles. So yeah, anything else to say? Maybe only that I am baffled by this film's relatively high rating on imdb (north of 7/10) and almost having ten million views on Youtube in five years. Absolutely inexplicable. I hope the reason is not people pushing this as a movie about strong female characters, because that would really be the cyanide icing on the poisonous cake. I think this film was a mess, a failure through and through with terrible camera work and editing too and not even a film that falls in the category of being so bad that it is good again or worth seeing because of how much of a mess it is. It is just poor from beginning to end. I highly recommend to stay away and I am glad it ended so quickly. It still felt longer and pointless. This is Ittenbach territory. And no, I don't mean any of that as a compliment. A definite contender for worst American short film from 1983. At least it did not manage to score any awards attention.
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