Revoir Paris (2022)
Pretty good
23 December 2023
It's an enjoyable film, certainly worth the time. My major issue with it is that it's predictable. The lead reminds me of Jeff Bridges in Fearless and William Hurt in The Doctor. Both have traumatic experiences that make relationships with current lovers difficult if not impossible; a change of life is called for. That's what these films apparently require for plot, but is that true? Millions of men return from war to the same wives, jobs, lives. Other check boxes are ticked off: the co-survivors to whom the lead now more strongly relates; the initial accusation of guilt, later disspelled; the noble member(s) of the minority underclass that gets the lead all through it. For these requirements, sometimes the plot has phony constructs. Having said all that, the movie keeps you entertained, if it isn't really moving.
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