She-Devil (1989)
Enjoyable little dark comedy made above average by Bart's surprisingly good performance
29 December 2023
The sitcom Roseanne has always been one I have liked to revisit off and on for years.

While I found her twangy accent and poor grammar to be annoying at times I genuinely loved John Goodman's performance as her husband and the writing and supporting cast.

When I heard she made this movie with Meryl Streep whom many consider the greatest actress of her generation and reviews were mixed and it flopped I must admit I was hesitant.

But being in a season of binge watching Roseanne reruns and since this was free to stream on Amazon Freevee I went in with an open mind and I really was surprised at how much I enjoyed this film.

Don't let the reviews, box office performance or your personal opinion of Barr throw you off from this. This was a surprisingly funny little movie. It won't make my list of the top ten greatest comedies ever or Meryl Streep's best film but I had a good time watching it.

Even if you found Roseanne annoying on her sitcom she is much more toned down here and actually her performance is the highlight of this movie for me, and yes I am saying that about the movie she co-starred in with Meryl Streep of all people.

But what makes Streep, Barr and co-star Ed Begley Jr. Shine in this film is a clever and intelligent script.

It may be formulaic as many revenge comedies about a wife plotting revenge on an unfaithful husband have been done so many times before but the actors and the script make good use of it and bring some funny ideas to the table.

Largely ignored upon release which I feel was due to the fact it opened the same weekend as another superior black comedy Danny De Vito's The War of the Roses which is still a better film, the competition crushed it.

But still this is an underrated little comedy that's good in its own right and I feel Roseanne unlike her co-star Goodman wasn't given enough chances to prove herself as a movie actress.

Of course I'm not going to make an argument that Barr is an Oscar winning actress to on the same level of her co-star Streep but as a TV star transitioning to the movies she does a surprisingly good job playing a funny and very smart character.

If you haven't seen it give it a steam on Freevee. You may think it's bottom of the barrel quality on free streaming services but I assure it's not. I had a good time watching this overlooked and underrated flick.

Put your feelings about Barr aside and just enjoy a fun little comedy that will provide a few laughs in an under two hour period and you should have some fun. I know I did.

It's not Kramer vs. Kramer or Sophie's Choice and it was never meant to be. It's a fun little comedy that while not constantly fall on the floor hilarious is still well acted and scripted and has a few laughs that I can say that's enough to recommend it. I certainly wasn't disappointed and I don't think you will be either.
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